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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: complete induction, 25 out of 100 custumer reviews reported technical problems with MP3 Player XY therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) there is a 25% probability that the XY Player you just bought has technical problems, my friend Peter is nice therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all my friends are nice, the US does not recognize North Korea and Iran diplomatically supports what is true for the US government's identification of diplomatic recognition and approval in the Cuba case defines the relation between dip- lomatic recognition and approval universally, the US recognized the Soviet Union diplomatically with- out approving it defeats (AU=MH) what is true for the US government's identification of diplomatic recognition and approval in the Cuba case defines the relation between dip- lomatic recognition and approval universally, any property that belongs to x as an element of a natural kind S belongs to all elements of S therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all S are P, my friend Posh is nice therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all my friends are nice, my friend Paula is nice therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all my friends are nice, x1,2,3,4 is the complete set of all x therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all x are A, Bhutan and Taiwan are countries that the US approves without having official diplomatic relations with them defeats (AU=MH) what is true for the US government's identification of diplomatic recognition and approval in the Cuba case defines the relation between dip- lomatic recognition and approval universally, if a quarter of customers report technical problems with MP3 Player XY, then there is a 25% probability that the XY Player you just bought has technical problems therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) there is a 25% probability that the XY Player you just bought has technical problems, the US government withdrew diplomatic recognition from Cuba when it no longer approved that government therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) diplomatic recognition is a sign of approval, x2 is A therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all x are A, the 2nd raven I saw was black therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all ravens are black, the 1st raven I saw was black therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all ravens are black, my friend Paul is nice therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all my friends are nice, Paul, Peter, Paula, and Posh is the complete set of all my friends therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all my friends are nice, what is true for the US government's identification of diplomatic recognition and approval in the Cuba case defines the relation between dip- lomatic recognition and approval universally therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) diplomatic recognition is a sign of approval, what is true for the four ravens I saw is true for all ravens therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all ravens are black, Logical argument schemes as used in Logical Argument Mapping (LAM) follow the link below for a description of the method, x (=an element of S) is P therefore (ArgScheme: complete induction) all S are P